Monday 3 December 2012

Time management in rowing

Time management is an important life skill. If you develop it you can do many great things, some seemingly impossible to the average human being. The more you row the more you have to learn how to manage your time if you want to be successful at rowing and also the other things you do.

I, along with many other coaches think that its very important to have a counterbalance to rowing in life. If rowing is your be all and end all it is not very mentally stimulating and you can quickly find yourself in a rut, or even worse, burned out. Having something outside of rowing lets you take time away from rowing to refresh, rest and keep that motivating burning. 

But if you do have other pursuits (which you should) you should manage them so that you can be sure you're making the most of them and not wasting your time. At the end of the day you have to choose what's most important to you and work on those.

There are 168 hours in a week. Lets say you sleep 63 hours (that's 9 hours a night). It leaves you with 103 hours to split between what pursuits you deem important to you. Rowing, at different levels takes different amounts of time. So lets lets just take 30 hours for rowing as an example. 103 hours minus the 30 for rowing leaves us with 73 hours. 73 hours per week to do whatever you find important, be it earning a degree, working, socializing or all the previously mentioned. 

There is enough time in a week to what you want to do, you just have to do them in the right order and make sure they don't clash. So for those people out there who don't think there’s time to row and do other things I say LEARN TO MANAGE YOUR TIME! If you really want to do it you’ll find a way to make it work. Stop watching TV if you have an assignment to do etc etc.  Time management is a skill that can be learned!

Further reading :