Monday 12 November 2012

What I enjoy about coaching.

The role of a rowing coach is one that comprises of many different roles. You must be a teacher, motivator, planner, psychologist, sports scientist etc. As these fields are always progressing, its our duty as coaches to be constantly learning and improving ourselves if we are to give the best coaching possible to our athletes. Below are some of the main things that I enjoy as a rowing coach.

Constant learning and having to accept that I do not know everything and therefore must learn more is something I highly enjoy and hope I keep, as I believe it is an important trait. The main thing that I enjoy about coaching is seeing your athletes improve due to your coaching. Watching them go from total beginner to someone who can go against the best in their class is extremely rewarding.

Motivating and achieving goals
Being a fan of psychology I also enjoy finding out what motivates and pushes people. Watching people push themselves to their limit due to the motivation and drive that you have instilled within them is brilliant. Ultimately we are there as coaches to help them achieve there goal. Which, if it is to be the best they can be, then just makes us happy, as then we have a common goal.

Sports science
I enjoy learning how to train the anaerobic, aerobic systems along with the muscles properly to form a complete athlete who by becoming physically fit has also gained confidence in their ability to preform.

Being outside and watching the boat move
Being outside, wind in my face, following the boats, and seeing improvements in technique, fitness and strength take the form of boat speed, is for me, brilliant to watch. I also enjoy watching the boat when its moving well as the athletes and the boat are in time and they are working together as one, reaping the benefits.

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