Sunday 28 October 2012

Improvements and different methods needed to coach.

Nothing warms a coaches heart more than seeing his or her crew improve. This is what gets me up in the morning. Seeing a person who has never rowed before take on, and over come a challenge. As long as they are learning I am happy. In rowing learning is defiantly an important part of training.

The best Olympians still have things to improve upon to make their boat go faster. Nothing annoys me more than someone who is making no effort to improve. Why would you waste my time and yours? Other people are improving and getting better so why would I spend my days trying to get you to do something you seem to not want to do??

 In fairness some people do listen and want to improve but rather don't understand what your trying to get across  This I can handle.
 Not everyone learns things the same way. Some people learn visually and require demonstrations while others are great listeners and can understand what you mean when you say it then others learn by having you put them into the proper positions manually and telling them to feel and remember their body positions.

 I have to remind myself of this fact and not get annoyed with people who have trouble learning audibly. As there are many different ways of getting what you are trying to say into peoples heads, having another coach around who maybe able to explain what you are trying to teach is indispensable.

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